With Biden's $3.5T bill on ice, let's chisel

Abby McCloskey, Dallas News, October 17, 2021

Most Americans (60%) are glad for the “strategic pause,” according to the bipartisan group No Labels. Just because we’ve spent trillions of dollars in COVID-19 relief doesn’t mean that trillions more can be printed without consequence, for inflation or otherwise. The corporate tax hike is the opposite of what should happen in an economic recovery, which even liberal economists acknowledge will be paid for in part by workers.

There’s a wide open question about how these programs are paid for beyond the 10-year budget window (when our entitlement programs are also on track to collapse, if not before). And many of the proposed programs are a heavy-handed big government approach to problems that would benefit from greater levels of innovation, targeting and choice.

But problems with the reconciliation package don’t negate the need to better support America’s working families.